Certificado TOEFL


Projetado para alunos com mais de 8 anos, os testes TOEFL Primary® permitem a mensuração das habilidades de comunicação em inglês de nossos alunos para orientar seus objetivos de ensino e monitorar o progresso do aluno. O programa oferece testes convenientes e flexíveis que avaliam a proficiência acadêmica e social em inglês de jovens estudantes, fornecem dados sobre a capacidade de cada aluno em ouvir, ler e falar, apoiam o ensino e a aprendizagem, fornecendo informações sobre as habilidades dos alunos em relação a um padrão internacional amplamente aceito.


This week, at Colégio Arbos, students were awarded their TOEFL Primary Certificates. Arbos has been an exclusive ETS TOEFL partner for over 10 years. The results support school planning to develop the curriculum of the courses our students attend. 


We congratulate all students who joined the TOEFL special preparation program and also those who sat for the proficiency test, last November.


Way to go! We are very proud of you. 


About TOEFL Primary:


Designed for students ages 8+, the TOEFL Primary® tests allow you to measure your students’ English communication skills to guide your teaching goals, monitor student progress and more.

The program offers convenient and flexible tests that:

  • assess the academic and social English-language proficiency of young students
  • provide a snapshot of each student’s ability in listening, reading and speaking
  • support teaching and learning by giving information about students’ abilities in relation to a widely accepted international standard

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